If you are ready to cut down on your cleaning product costs and reduce the amount of chemicals in your home, then take a look at some of these easy-to-make cleaning products. You have some miracle ingredients in your pantry!
Diluted white vinegar
It’s not just for salad dressings. Undiluted, white vinegar is strong enough to dissolve soap scum, hard water deposits and dirt from smooth surfaces. However, when diluted with water, it is gentle enough to clean hardwood flooring. Here are some of its other amazing qualities:
- White vinegar absorbs odours instead of masking them, and the vinegar aroma vanishes when it dries
- It is colourless, so it won’t stain any surface, material or grout
- It’s good for sensitive skin, because it cuts through and gets rid of detergent residue
Here’s a recipe for you to try:
Simply mix together 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of water together in a spray-bottle – what could be easier?
- Bathroom: use vinegar spray cleaner to clean floors, countertops, and the outside of the toilet.
- Kitchen: use the spray to clean countertops, tiles and the backsplash areas.
- To shift stubborn soap scum in the shower: heat the solution until it’s warm, then spray your shower walls and allow to stand for about 15 minutes. Now scrub and rinse for a sparkling clean shower.
Undiluted white vinegar
Add 1 cup of undiluted white vinegar to your laundry rinse cycle instead of commercial fabric softener. The vinegar softens your clothes without leaving any odour or chemicals to affect sensitive skin.
Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
This is another magic ingredient on your kitchen shelf! Use it on a damp sponge to get rid of dirty rings in the bath or to remove food deposits in your sink. Try this:
Vacuum your carpets, then sprinkle dry bicarbonate of soda on them and allow it to stand for a few hours. Vacuum it all up and you will get rid of any stale odours.