Congratulations on finding your new nest!
If the previous owners weren’t like you and left their home in a fit state for the new owners or tenants here are a few tips to get your new home into a livable state.
Wooden Floors
If your timing is perfect and your new home has wooden floors that need attention this is the perfect time to get sanders in. Sanding creates an enormous amount of dust which is much easier to deal with when empty. If you like a sealant or varnish on your floors it will take at least 2 days, weather permitting to dry.
Getting professional carpet cleaners in before moving in does make it easier. Ask for their professional opinion on whether to use a steam or dry powder application for your type of carpet.
Cleaning tiles and more importantly grout is a time-consuming process but necessary to get rid of all germs. A professional cleaning service can use a high pressure and high heat steam cleaner together with anti-bacterial solutions to sanitize your new bathrooms, toilets and kitchen.
In our busy lives cleaning windows is not a top priority, especially if you have awkwardly positioned windows that are hard to reach. Include this on the professional cleaners to do list rather than risking life and limb. They will use the same high pressure steam cleaning approach as with tiles, as windows if they don’t get sufficient sun can be breeding ground for mould.
Moving is a perfect opportunity to give your favourite chair and sofa a good clean professionally. If using a steam method, it can take days to dry. Using a dry powder method there is no drying time to consider but rather a clean-up as the powder does need get into every nook and cranny of the sofa to do its job.
A place a lot of people forget but it is part of your home. Cleaning gutters of all debris ensures that your gutters don’t become compromised which can be expensive to repair. This job is especially necessary if you’re moving during the autumn months.
After a good clean your new home will welcome you and your family with a new beginning.
Imperial Cleaning have a full pre occupation cleaning package which is specifically designed to assist with all new homes moving. We ensure you can enjoy the house move and leave the cleaning to us.